Colleen is getting cuter every day, and has been crawling for the last two-three weeks. She is still sociable and full of smiles. We started her on baby food. No likey. Then, on a whim we gave her Cheerios. Mucho likey. After about a week, she's getting really good at eating them. So, next we tried fruits, bananas and apples. Not so much. Then, we gave her some thawed mixed vegetables...she likes them almost as much as Cheerios. This leaves us with a rather substantial amount of baby-food bananas in our pantry. The debate is whether we hold on to them for later, or Christina and I eat them...I'm arguing for eating them. Baby-food bananas are like desert.
Maura's dance lessons appear to be going well. It appears that interestingly enough, she really, really wants to dance (you know, because that what all Princesses do), so she listens to everything the teacher says and then tries to get the rest of the class to listen. I just wish she'd listen to us that well at home. Maura has been doing pre-1st grade work in school, and if she keeps going at this pace, she'll be doing 1st grade work by the end of the calendar year. She's doing blending, and has recognized words like "hit" and "mat" while looking at books. She is also learning about money and time.
Nolan is showing us how smart he is. It is really, really hard to get my head around the fact that he is only 3 years old. Sometimes, he acts like he's older than Maura (who acts older than her age would indicate). His imagination and inquisitiveness are amazing. He loves to learn, and if he could just sit still, he'd be doing Maura's work in school. The kid has working vocabulary of a 5-6 year old, and when compared with other 3 year-olds, you'd think he's 4 or 5. This makes it hard when trying to discipline him: when he acts so much like his older sister, you try to reason with him, but its like talking to wall. Perhaps that is why he still runs along the back of the couch, in spite of our constant pleas to the contrary.
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