Monday, October 11, 2010

Eminem ain't too bright

Just read this:

So, Marshall Mathers won't swear in front of his kids, and regards the use of certain words as degrading to the human person ("How would I sound as a person..."). Yet, he counts his profanity as part of his "art form".

Please. He must really think his daughters aren't that birght if he thinks that him not swearing at home will impact them more than his superfluous language as Eminem. Then, he blames parents for allowing kids to immitate the language he uses in his "songs". What???

So, let me see. He swears with no inhibition on his albums, and then blames the parents for his listeners mimicking what they hear? Sounds like those brilliant idiots who hand out condoms to teenagers and then blame the parents for teenage pregnancy, or those politicians who claim, like our fearless president and his cabinet (not to mention "Sr." Keehan) that federal funding of abortion will not increase the number of babies killed per year.

Yep, our public schools are working well.

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